Flower Tin
Designed By: Uchida Staff
Crafting Time: 30 minutes
Drying Time: 10 minutes
Skill Level: Beginner
- DecoColor® 200 - gold, pink
- DecoColor® 140 - black,
- DecoColor® Remover
- Small white tin
- Transfer paper
- Paper towel
- Flower Template
- Wipe tin with a damp towel to rid of any dust or fingerprints. Let it dry.
- Print out the pattern and use transfer paper to add design to tin lid.
- Fill in the large flower with pink. Let it dry for a couple of minutes. Then fill in the center of the flower with gold. Let this dry about 5 minutes. Then outline the flower with black. If you make any mistakes, use the DecoColor® Remover and a paper towel. Let the top dry.
- Once the flower is dry add pink dots to the lid sides. Space them about an inch apart. Be careful not to touch the dots. Let it dry. Outline each dot with DecoColor® black. It does not have to be perfect.
[author name="Created By: Marvy Uchida Team" bio="Our talented in-house creative team" image="marvy-uchida-square-logo.jpg" facebook="https://www.facebook.com/marvyuchida/" instagram="http://instagram.com/marvyuchida" pinterest="https://www.pinterest.com/marvyuchida" youtube="https://www.youtube.com/marvyuchida/"]
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