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Kid Power Shirt - PROJECT

Kid Power Fabric Marker Shirt Project

Designed By: Uchida Staff
Crafting Time: 2 hours
Drying Time:
Skill Level: Beginner


  • Black T-shirt
  • DecoFabric Marker item # 222 - black, orange, yellow, light blue, white
  • Transfer paper
  • Kid Power Template

All measurements are in inches.

  1. Print pattern and use the transfer paper to transfer it on to the t-shirt.
  2. Use yellow to color in the outer jagged area. Allow it to dry completely. Then add another coat of color. Repeat to get a denser brighter color.
  3. Then color the circle in with orange. Allow it to dry completely. Then add another coat of color. Repeat to get a denser brighter color.
  4. Color the letter light blue. Allow it to dry completely. Then add another coat of color. Repeat to get a denser brighter color.
  5. Dry completely for 2 hours or over night. Once dry outline the letters and the circle with black.
  6. Highlight the letters with white. A short line and dot on the right edges to give it dimension.

Note: The more layers of color you apply, the brighter the colors will be. Just be sure to let it dry in between color application.


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